A-Level Psychology Skills

Using the GRAVE Analysis to Evaluate Studies

Learn how to perform a GRAVE analysis on any psychology study to develop your critical thinking and answer your AO3 questions easily!

Watch the video lesson below and download the notes summarising the lesson in the PDF file that follows-

Performing a GRAVE Analysis to evaluate Psychology Studies

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IBDP Psychology

IB Psychology : Answering the ‘Contrast’ ERQ – Model Answer – Etiologies for Psychological Disorders

Writing ERQs on paper 2 is deceptively simple. It actually requires a due consideration of the requirements of the question, including the command term and the criteria for scoring.

Learn how to answer the ERQ containing the command term ‘Contrast’ on paper 2 of IB Psychology by downloading a model answer for the AbLOA topic ‘Biological and Sociocultural Etiologies of Psychological Disorders’. Happy learning!

Need more guidance? Learn how to answer the ERQ from the video with my explanations for writing the answers below-

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IBDP Psychology

IB Psychology : Answering the ‘Discuss’ ERQ – Model Answer – Neurotransmitters

In this lesson, I present to you a model answer from the CLOA topic, 'models of memory' to show you how an ERQ with the command term 'discuss' should be answered on the IB Psychology paper. Happy learning!

Writing ERQs on paper 1 is deceptively simple. It actually requires a due consideration of the requirements of the question, including the command term and the criteria for scoring.

Learn how to answer the ERQ containing the command term ‘Discuss’ on paper 1 of IB Psychology by downloading a model answer for the BLOA topic ‘Neurotransmitters and Behaviour’. Happy learning!

Need more guidance? Learn how to answer the ERQ from the videos with my explanations for writing the answers below-

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IBDP Psychology

IB Psychology : Answering the ‘Discuss’ ERQ – Model Answer – Models of Memory

In this lesson, I present to you a model answer from the CLOA topic, 'models of memory' to show you how an ERQ with the command term 'discuss' should be answered on the IB Psychology paper. Happy learning!

Writing ERQs on paper 1 is deceptively simple. It actually requires a due consideration of the requirements of the question, including the command term and the criteria for scoring.

Learn how to answer the ERQ containing the command term ‘Discuss’ on paper 1 of IB Psychology by downloading a model answer for the CLOA topic ‘Models of Memory’. Happy learning!

Need more guidance? Learn how to answer the ERQ from the video with my explanations for writing the answers below-

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