AQA A-Level Psychology

AQA Psychology – Answering Research Methods Section C for May 2024

In this lesson I have explained how you can answer the Research Methods Section C for paper 2 of May 2024. I have also provided model answers for your reference.

Taking this lesson should help you answer your situation-based AO2 questions, organise them and meet top-band assessment requirements in the paper.

Given the overlap between the UK AQA and International AQA curriculum, this lesson should help both types of students.

Please note – this is part 1 of the lesson. Part 2 will be uplaoded soon.

The video lesson is available below and the answers I have written in it are available as a free PDF download here-

Happy learning!

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AQA A-Level Psychology

AQA Psychology – Answering the 16-Marker Essay with a Scenario (AO1, AO2 & AO3)

In this lesson I have explained how you can answer the 16-Marker Essay with a Scenario with AO1, AO2 and AO3 objectives. I have also provided a model answer for your reference.

Taking this lesson should help you answer your situation-based 16-markers, organise them and meet top-band assessment requirements in the paper.

Given the overlap between the UK AQA and International AQA curriculum, this lesson should help both types of students.

The video lesson is available below and the answers I have written in it are available as a free PDF download here-

Happy learning!

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AQA A-Level Psychology

AQA Psychology – Solving May/June 2024 Paper 2 Section A – Approaches

In this lesson I have explained how you can answer the May/June 2024 Paper 2 Section A – Approaches. I have also provided model answers for your reference.

Taking this lesson should help you answer your 2,3, 4 and 8-markers, organise them and meet top-band assessment requirements in the paper.

Given the overlap between the UK AQA and International AQA curriculum, this lesson should help both types of students.

The video lesson is available below and the answers I have written in it are available as a free PDF download here-

Happy learning!

search terms – aqa psychology paper 2 2024, aqa psychology paper 2 section A, aqa psychology paper 2 approaches 2024, aqa psychology revision, aqa psychology may/June 2024, aqa psychology past papers, a level psychology, a level psychology 2024, a level psychology past papers, a level psychology revision, operant conditioning, behavioural approach, social learning, rogers, humanistic psychology, client-centered therapy, unconditional positive regard

AQA A-Level Psychology

AQA Psychology – Solving May/June 2024 Paper 1 Section A – Social Influence

In this lesson I have explained how you can answer the May/June 2024 Paper 1 Section A – Social Influence. I have also provided model answers for your reference.

Taking this lesson should help you answer your 4, 6 and 8-markers, organise them and meet top-band assessment requirements in the paper.

Given the overlap between the UK AQA and International AQA curriculum, this lesson should help both types of students.

The video lesson is available below and the answers I have written in it are available as a free PDF download here-

Happy learning!

search terms – aqa psychology paper 1 2024, aqa psychology paper 1 section A, aqa psychology paper 1 social influence 2024, aqa psychology revision, aqa psychology may/June 2024, aqa psychology past papers, a level psychology, a level psychology 2024, a level psychology past papers, a level psychology revision

AQA A-Level Psychology

AQA Psychology – How to Answer the 16-Marker Conformity : Dual Process Model of Phobia

In this lesson I have explained how you can write a 16-marker using a question on the two process model for illustration.

Taking this lesson should help you structure your 16-marker answers, organise them and meet top-band assessment requirements in the paper.

Given the overlap between the UK AQA and International AQA curriculum, this lesson should help both types of students.

The video lesson is available below and the answers I have written in it are available as a free PDF download here-

Happy learning!

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AQA A-Level Psychology

AQA Psychology – Conformity : The Asch Study

In this lesson I have explained the Asch paradigm for conformity research. I have given a complete explanation of the original classic study and a demonstration of how to write an essay for ‘research into conformity from this study’.

Taking this lesson should help you understand the content as well as how to structure your answers, organise them and meet top-band assessment requirements in the paper.

Given the overlap between the UK AQA and International AQA curriculum, this lesson should help both types of students.

The video lesson is available below and the answers I have written in it are available as a free PDF download here-

AQA Asch Study on Conformity – Explanation and Answer Writing

Happy learning!

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AQA A-Level Psychology

AQA Psychology AS – Research Methods

In this lesson I have explained how you can answer scenario-based questions for your research methods in AQA psychology . Specifically, I have solved Section C for the 71812 June 2023 paper. Taking this lesson should help you understand how to structure your answers, organise them and meet top-band assessment requirements in the paper.

Given the overlap between the UK AQA and International AQA curriculum, this lesson should help both types of students.

The video lesson is available below and the answers I have written in it are available as a free PDF download here-

AQA Psychology – Research Methods – Exam Questions and Answers

Happy learning!

search terms – aqa psychology a level specification, aqa psychology questions, aqa psychology topics, aqa psychology revision notes pdf, aqa psychology approaches, aqa psychology research methods exam questions, aqa psychology research methods a level questions and answers, aqa psychology learning approach notes pdf, aqa a level psychology laboratory experiments, repeated measures design, counterbalancing, independent groups design, self-report, validity

AQA A-Level Psychology Oxford AQA IAL Psychology

AQA Psychology Year 2 – Learning Approaches

In this lesson I have explained how you can answer A01, A02 and AO3 short and long questions for your topic on learning approaches in AQA psychology – specifically, for classical and operant conditioning approaches. Taking this lesson should help you understand how to structure your answers, organise them and meet top-band assessment requirements in the paper.

Given the overlap between the UK AQA and International AQA curriculum, this lesson should help both types of students.

The video lesson is available below and the answers I have written in it are available as a free PDF download here-

AQA Psychology – The Learning Approach – Exam Questions and Answers

Happy learning!

search terms – aqa psychology a level specification, aqa psychology questions, aqa psychology topics, aqa psychology revision notes pdf, aqa psychology approaches, aqa psychology learning approach exam questions, aqa psychology behaviourist approaches a level questions and answers, aqa psychology learning approach notes pdf, aqa a level psychology Pavlov, Skinner, operant conditioning, classical conditioning

AQA A-Level Psychology

AQA Psychology – Memory Revision

In this lesson I have explained how you can answer A01 and A02 short answers for your first topic in AQA psychology – memory, specifically, the sub-topic of multi-store model (MSM). Taking this lesson should help you understand how to structure your answers, organise them and meet top-band assessment requirements in the paper.

Given the overlap between the UK AQA and International AQA curriculum, this lesson should help GCE students as well.

The video lesson is available below and the answers I have written in it are available as a free PDF download here-

Revising the AQA Memory Topic – Multistore Model of Memory

Happy learning!

search terms – aqa psychology a level specification, aqa psychology questions, aqa psychology topics, aqa psychology revision notes pdf, aqa psychology memory, aqa psychology memory exam questions, aqa psychology memory a level questions and answers, aqa psychology memory notes pdf, aqa a level psychology multistore model MSM, short-term memory, long-term memory, STM, LTM

AQA A-Level Psychology Oxford AQA IAL Psychology

Oxford AQA Psychology A Level : Model Anwers for June 2023 PS01 Memory

In this lesson I have explained how you can answer 4, 6 and 20-markers for your unit 1 paper for Oxford International AQA AS for the memory unit. I have also explained how to meet AO1, AO2 and AO3 requirements. Taking this lesson should help you understand how to structure your answers, organise them and meet top-band assessment requirements in the paper.

Given the overlap between the UK AQA and International AQA curriculum, this lesson should help GCE students as well.

The video lesson is available below and the answers I have written in it are available as a free PDF download here-

Answering the Oxford AQA International 1 AS Psychology Paper

Happy learning!

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