AQA A-Level Psychology

AQA Psychology – Answering the 16-Marker Essay with a Scenario (AO1, AO2 & AO3)

In this lesson I have explained how you can answer the 16-Marker Essay with a Scenario with AO1, AO2 and AO3 objectives. I have also provided a model answer for your reference.

Taking this lesson should help you answer your situation-based 16-markers, organise them and meet top-band assessment requirements in the paper.

Given the overlap between the UK AQA and International AQA curriculum, this lesson should help both types of students.

The video lesson is available below and the answers I have written in it are available as a free PDF download here-

Happy learning!

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AQA A-Level Psychology

AQA Psychology – How to Answer the 16-Marker Conformity : Dual Process Model of Phobia

In this lesson I have explained how you can write a 16-marker using a question on the two process model for illustration.

Taking this lesson should help you structure your 16-marker answers, organise them and meet top-band assessment requirements in the paper.

Given the overlap between the UK AQA and International AQA curriculum, this lesson should help both types of students.

The video lesson is available below and the answers I have written in it are available as a free PDF download here-

Happy learning!

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AQA A-Level Psychology

AQA Psychology A Level : 16-Marker Model Essay

In this lesson, I present you with an AQA psychology A level model answer for your 16-marker essays. The answer is from the social influence unit on the study by Milgram on obedience. You can use it as a reference on how to answer your questions as per the AQA A level psychology specification. Happy learning!

Answering a 16-maker for the AQA A level psychology paper can appear easier than it really is. It actually requires a due consideration various AO1 and AO2 marking criteria. This includes use of specialist terminology, accurate knowledge, coherence, etc.

You can learn easily how to answer your 16-marker as per the AQA A level psychology specification. Just download a model answer discussing Milgram’s study of obedience from below and use it as reference. Happy learning!

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